
What in the Fishmonger?

Just in case you were wondering...click on the title.


Erik W. Laursen said...

I was a fishmonger! I worked in the seafood department of the Super Food Barn in Overland Park, Kansas. I wore a nametag that had my name and a halibut sticker in honor of Erik the Halibut from Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Anonymous said...

Best Fishmonger's I ever saw was in Homer Alaska and they were called the BUTTWHACKERS. They could filet an entires day catch in just minutes all out under the sunny Alaska sky.

They kept the fish "cheek meat" (which they had a fancy name for) for themselves. They said is was tender like a filet.

They were a very entertaining group of men. I have several pictures with them! I highly recommend the experience to anyone traveling to Homer.